Liquor Licensing

Did you know there are 23 different types of liquor licenses available in Arizona? Obtaining a liquor license in Arizona can be a complex and lengthy process. Retaining an attorney who understands the process and is experienced in avoiding many pitfalls is invaluable. Burch & Cracchiolo attorneys Ryan Anderson, Jake Curtis and their team bring years of experience and cover all the bases, providing a “one-stop” solution.

Practicing Liquor Licensing in Phoenix, Arizona

Liquor Licensing

Burch & Cracchiolo serves its liquor clients by providing advice and representation concerning a full range of issues related to the manufacture, importation, distribution, and sale of spirituous liquors in Phoenix, Arizona, and throughout the State. Burch & Cracchiolo’s liquor clients include producers, wholesalers/distributors, importers and retailers, including national chains and local grocery stores, convenience markets, drug stores, restaurants, bars, hotels, management companies, homeowner associations, golf courses, and fraternal organizations.

The professionals at Burch & Cracchiolo have extensive experience assisting the Firm’s liquor clients with state and city liquor license applications and other required regulatory filings, and represent those clients at hearings before administrative agencies, local government hearings, and the courts.  We can also obtain other required permits and licenses for clients, including but not limited to pharmacy, state/city sales tax, lottery, alarms, business, health permits, and food stamps required by federal, state, county, Indian Communities, and local governmental bodies.

Our attorneys often serve as resident Agents on liquor licenses, and we also facilitate locating and purchasing or selling quota licenses at a client’s request. In the field of liquor licensing and regulation, Burch & Cracchiolo is one of the most recognized, experienced, and respected law firms in Arizona.

For more, read the article Finding Your Way Through the Liquor Licensing Maze in Arizona, by Ryan Anderson & Jake Curtis.

Liquor Licensing Services

Our attorneys are a valuable asset in navigating the process of getting a liquor license in Arizona. Here's how:

  • Understanding the legalities: Liquor license regulations can be complex and vary depending on your specific business type and location. Our attorneys can ensure you understand the requirements for the type of license you need and can help you navigate the application process.
  • Completing the application: The application process can be lengthy and involve various documents. We can help you ensure your application is complete and accurate, reducing the risk of delays or denials.
  • Dealing with local authorities: You may need approval from your local governing body (city, town, or county) for your liquor license. Our attorneys can represent you before these bodies and address any concerns they may have.
  • Zoning and compliance: Our attorneys can verify your desired business location is properly zoned for alcohol sales and ensure your business adheres to all relevant regulations.
  • Potential objections: If there are objections to your license application, our attorneys can represent you and advocate on your behalf.

Overall, a Burch & Cracchiolo attorney can help you obtain your liquor license in Arizona more efficiently and smoothly, saving you time, money, and potential headaches.

Partners/Of Counsel:

Liquor Entitlements

Real estate entitlements can definitely affect liquor licenses in Arizona. Here's how:

  • Zoning restrictions: Certain zones may prohibit the sale of alcohol altogether. For instance, residential areas likely wouldn't allow liquor stores or bars. You'll need to ensure your property's zoning allows for the type of liquor license you're seeking.
  • Land use limitations: Even within a permissible zone, there might be limitations on the type of establishment a liquor license applies to. For example, a zoning code might allow for a restaurant liquor license but not a bar license.
  • Setbacks from schools, churches, and other sensitive uses: Arizona regulations often mandate a minimum distance between liquor establishments and certain locations like schools and churches. This ensures responsible placement regarding alcohol availability.
  • Parking requirements: The number of parking spaces your establishment needs might be influenced by the type of liquor license you hold. A bar with a focus on nightlife might require more parking than a restaurant with a limited bar area.

To get a clearer picture of how real estate entitlements affect liquor licenses in your specific area, it's recommended to:

  • Consult the zoning code for your city or county. This will outline the specific zoning requirements for liquor establishments.
  • Contact the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control (DLLC). They can provide information on the licensing process and any specific requirements that might apply to your situation.

Remember, navigating real estate entitlements and liquor licensing can involve complexities. Consulting with Burch & Cracchiolo attorneys who specialize in these areas can be extremely helpful in ensuring a smooth process for obtaining the liquor license you need.

Partners/Of Counsel:

Liquor Manufacturing

Our attorneys can be a valuable asset throughout the process of setting up the manufacturing of alcoholic beverages in Arizona. Here are some ways we can assist you:

  • Licensing and Permits: Arizona's alcohol beverage laws are complex, and the type of license you need will depend on the specific type of alcohol you plan to produce (beer, wine, spirits) and how you intend to sell it. Our attorneys can help you navigate the application process for the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control (DLLC) permit, as well as any required local licenses from your city or county.
  • Business Structure: Choosing the right business structure (sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation) has tax and liability implications. Our attorneys can advise you on the best structure for your specific business goals.
  • Federal Regulations: In addition to state licensing, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) regulates alcohol production. Our attorneys can ensure you are complying with all relevant TTB regulations.
  • Labeling and Compliance: Federal and state labeling requirements exist for alcoholic beverages. Our attorneys can help you ensure your labels are compliant and avoid any issues with the TTB or DLLC.
  • Contracts and Leases: As you establish your business, you'll likely need various contracts with suppliers, distributors, and potentially for leasing your manufacturing facility. Our attorneys can review and draft these contracts to protect your interests.
  • Zoning and Land Use: Manufacturing facilities may have specific zoning requirements. Our attorneys can help you research zoning regulations and ensure your chosen location is suitable for your business.

Burch & Cracchiolo attorneys Ryan Anderson and Jake Curtis can help you navigate the legal complexities of setting up an alcoholic beverage manufacturing business in Arizona, saving you time, money, and potential headaches down the road.

Partners/Of Counsel:

Liquor Distribution

Burch & Cracchiolo’s attorneys can be a valuable asset when navigating the complex legalities of alcohol distribution in Arizona. Here's how we can help:

  • Liquor Licensing and Permits: The Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control (DLLC) governs alcohol distribution. Our attorneys can ensure you obtain the proper licenses and permits for your specific operation, whether it's wholesaling, distributing, or importing.
  • Compliance with Laws and Regulations: Arizona has strict laws regarding alcohol distribution, including labeling, advertising, and sales restrictions. Our attorneys can advise you on these regulations and ensure your business adheres to them, minimizing the risk of fines or license suspensions.
  • Drafting and Reviewing Contracts: Distribution involves contracts with suppliers, retailers, and distributors. Our attorneys can draft and review these contracts to protect your interests and ensure they comply with Arizona liquor laws.
  • Negotiating with Suppliers and Distributors: Burch & Cracchiolo attorneys can negotiate favorable terms with suppliers and distributors, ensuring you get the best pricing and distribution channels for your products.
  • Navigating Tax Regulations: Alcohol sales are subject to various federal and state taxes. Our attorneys can help you understand these complexities and ensure you comply with all tax requirements.
  • Dealing with Legal Issues: If you encounter any legal issues during the distribution process, such as disputes with suppliers or retailers, our attorney can represent you and protect your business interests.

In conclusion, while you can navigate the alcohol distribution process yourself, Burch & Cracchiolo's attorneys' guidance can save you time, money, and legal headaches in the long run. We can ensure your business operates smoothly and in compliance within Arizona law.

Partners/Of Counsel:

Liquor Retail

Burch & Cracchiolo attorneys can be crucial in setting up retail alcohol sales in Arizona by providing expertise in navigating the licensing process, legalities, and ensuring compliance. Here's how we can specifically assist you:

  • Liquor Licensing: Arizona's Department of Liquor Licenses and Control (DLLC) issues liquor licenses for retail sales. Our attorneys can help you determine the appropriate license type for your business (beer & wine, spirituous liquor, etc.) and ensure your application meets all DLLC requirements.
  • Local Regulations: Besides state laws, Arizona cities and counties may have additional regulations for retail alcohol sales. Our attorneys are familiar with Arizona laws and can ensure you comply with all local ordinances.
  • Zoning and Land Use: Selling alcohol might have zoning restrictions in your area. A Burch & Cracchiolo attorney can research zoning regulations and advise you on finding a suitable location for your retail store.
  • Business Entity Selection: Choosing the right business structure (sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation) is crucial. An attorney at Burch & Cracchiolo can advise on the best structure for your specific situation considering factors like liability and tax implications.
  • Drafting Leases and Contracts: Leasing a retail space and agreements with suppliers will involve contracts. A Burch & Cracchiolo attorney can draft and review these documents to protect your interests and ensure compliance with liquor laws.

Overall, our attorneys can streamline the setup process, minimize the risk of errors in licensing or compliance, and provide peace of mind knowing your retail alcohol business operates legally in Arizona.

Partners/Of Counsel:

Liquor License Regulatory Compliance

Our attorneys can be a valuable asset in navigating the complex world of alcohol regulatory compliance in Arizona. Here are some ways we can help:

  • Compliance Guidance: Our attorneys can help you identify the specific regulations that apply to your business, such as those set by the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control (DLLC). We can also advise you on how to develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure compliance.
  • Arizona Liquor Licensing and Permitting: The process of obtaining and maintaining Arizona liquor licenses can be daunting. Our attorneys can assist you with the application process, ensuring all the necessary documentation is filed correctly and addressing any potential roadblocks.
  • Training and Education: Burch & Cracchiolo attorneys can provide training to your staff on alcohol laws and regulations, helping them understand their responsibilities in serving and selling alcohol. This can help prevent costly mistakes and ensure your business stays compliant.
  • Compliance Audits: Our attorneys can conduct internal compliance audits to identify any areas where your business may be at risk. Early detection and correction of compliance issues can help you avoid fines and penalties.
  • Defense Against Violations: If you face allegations of violating alcohol regulations, a Burch & Cracchiolo attorney can represent you in hearings before the DLLC. We can negotiate on your behalf and help you minimize any potential penalties.

Overall, an attorney from Burch & Cracchiolo can provide invaluable guidance and support in ensuring your business operates in compliance with Arizona's alcohol regulatory laws.

Partners/Of Counsel:

Alcohol and Liquor License Violation Hearings

It's not mandatory to have an attorney at an alcohol violation hearing in Arizona, but it can be beneficial. The Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control (DLLC) offers a dispute resolution process where a compliance officer aims for resolutions to avoid hearings.

Here's why an attorney is helpful:

  • Understanding the legalities involved in liquor licensing and the specific violations alleged by the DLLC.
  • Negotiating a favorable outcome, such as reducing fines or avoiding suspension.
  • Representing you effectively during the hearing and presenting evidence in your defense.

If you're unsure about the complexity of the case or feel uncomfortable representing yourself, consult an attorney at Burch & Cracchiolo specializing in liquor licensing.

Partners/Of Counsel:

FAQs on Liquor Licensing in Arizona

To apply for an Arizona liquor license, you must first determine the type of license you need based on your business model. Then, gather all necessary documentation and submit your application through the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control (DLLC). The process includes a background check, financial review, and sometimes a public hearing.

You can search for an existing Arizona liquor license through the official Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control website. Their online portal allows you to search by license number, business name, or location to find detailed information about license holders.

The cost of a liquor license in Arizona varies depending on the type of license you are applying for. Fees can range significantly, with initial application fees, annual renewal fees, and additional costs for fingerprinting and processing. It's essential to consult the DLLC's fee schedule for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Arizona offers various types of liquor licenses to accommodate different business models, including bars, restaurants, breweries, wineries, and retail stores. Some of the common types are Series 6 (Bar), Series 7 (Beer and Wine Bar), Series 9 (Liquor Store), and Series 12 (Restaurant).

A Series 6 liquor license in Arizona, also known as a Bar license, allows the holder to sell and serve spirituous liquor for consumption on and off the premises. It's one of the most versatile licenses, suitable for bars, clubs, and taverns.

A Series 7 liquor license in Arizona is designated for Beer and Wine Bars. It permits the sale and consumption of beer and wine on the premises, with the option to sell beer and wine in original containers for off-premises consumption as well.

Choosing the right type of liquor license depends on your business model, the beverages you intend to sell, and how you plan to sell them (e.g., on-premises consumption, retail). Consider consulting with a legal expert in liquor licensing to navigate the options and select the license that aligns with your business objectives and complies with Arizona regulations.

Yes, Arizona liquor licenses can be transferred to a new owner or location, subject to approval by the DLLC. The transfer process involves an application, fees, and possibly a public hearing. It's important to check specific requirements and restrictions on the DLLC's website or consult with a legal professional.

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