Zoning and Land Use Attorneys

Burch & Cracchiolo serves our clients' land use visions from inception to completion. Our zoning and land use planning attorneys represent all aspects of the development arena from commercial and master-planned community developers to land investors.

Practicing Zoning and Land Use Attorneys in Phoenix, Arizona

Zoning and Land Use Attorneys

We regularly assist clients with annexation petitions, general plan amendments, specific plans, zoning applications, subdivision regulations, use permits, variances, entitlement of master-planned communities, infrastructure development agreements, negotiation of impact fees and economic incentives, impact of environmental regulations on land use, water rights, liquor licenses, compensation for regulatory takings and condemnation actions. Burch & Cracchiolo attorneys also regularly assist clients with the formation of homeowners' associations and owners' associations in commercial, condominium and planned use projects, the drafting of CCRs, easements, licenses, joint use agreements, and construction contracts.

Video: Andrew Miller – Zoning & Land Use

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