Wendi Sorensen named one of “Top 25 Women Attorneys in Arizona”
B&C personal injury and defense litigator named to prestigious list by Southwest Super Lawyers
B&C personal injury and defense litigator named to prestigious list by Southwest Super Lawyers
Honorees include fifteen Super Lawyers and 4 Rising Stars
Burch & Cracchiolo partners honored by business publication
B&C attorneys Susie Ingold and Sarah O’Keefe, and paralegal Debra Wedlake obtained a defense verdict in an employment case for our client, an Arizona based company, after it was sued by a former employee. Following a five-day jury trial, the jury found in favor of our client on the plaintiff’s claim of violation of the Family Medical Leave Act, or FMLA.
Firm Ranks #3 overall in firm with 21-50 attorneys and #2 in Government Relation practice area
Experienced litigators elected as shareholders
Real Estate Agency Guilty of Breach of Fiduciary Duties
Practice will focus on commercial litigation, labor & employment law and real estate law
Best Lawyers in America 2015 honors Andrew Abraham
Peer Review Survey Honors Leading Attorneys across the Nation
Binding arbitation results in victory for B&C client
Certified Specialist in tax law honored by Arizona Business Magazine
Burch & Cracchiolo shareholders named to prestigious roster of attorneys
Certified Specialist in Tax Law honored by Southwest Super Lawyers
Fourteen selected as Southwest Super Lawyers and six selected as Rising Stars
Case addressed alleged malicious prosecution, defamation, destruction of property and infliction of emotional distress
Common area open space at issue
Seasoned lawyers honored by state-wide business publication
Practice area headed up by shareholders Martha Patrick and Joel Heriford
Seasoned attorney focuses on Creditors' Rights and Bankruptcy
Term runs through December 31, 2014
1st Tier Ranking in Four Practice Areas
Will serve until December 2015
Associate recently completed law clerkship with The Honorable Patricia K. Norris of the Arizona Court of Appeals
Best Lawyers in America 2014 honors Ed Bull and Martha Patrick
Peer review survey honors leading attorneys across the nation
Firm ranked in Tier 1 in Real Estate Land Use and Zoning in Arizona
Martha C. Patrick and Wendi A. Sorensen selected to the “Top 25 Women Attorneys” in Arizona by Southwest Super Lawyers
More than half the firm's attorneys honored
City of Surprise Found Not Responsible for Injury on Park Playground
Ian Neale Continues String of Defense Victories for Client
Court of Appeals Issues Published Opinion on Divorce Issues
Ponzi scheme case settled after 2 years of litigation
In July 2011, Burch & Cracchiolo attorney, Ralph D. Harris, successfully arbitrated a real-life example of David vs. Goliath. Representing the franchisee of a hotel chain, Ralph took on one of the world's largest media companies with more than $2 billion in revenues worldwide
B&C attorney, Brian Kaven, along with paralegal, Paula Chapman, successfully defended an employer against claims by an employee of management retaliation under Title VII