Burch & Cracchiolo shareholder Andy Abraham selected as one of “Top 50 Attorneys in Arizona”
Honored by Southwest Super Lawyers for 4th year
Honored by Southwest Super Lawyers for 4th year
17 Super Lawyers and 4 Rising Stars
3rd Consecutive win for B&C
Partner Jake Curtis serves as executive board member
Bull, Abraham, Patrick and Sorensen honored
Summary Judgment brings case to successful conclusion
Living room type conversation spurs idea sharing and exchange
Trial concludes after a day and a half for lack of evidence
Focus on insurance coverage and bad faith litigation
Tonya K. MacBeth and Kenneth J. Januszewski named shareholders at Burch & Cracchiolo, P.A.
Ongoing support for many of Arizona's non-profits
Turkey Tuesday is the largest turkey donation campaign in USA
Nationally the firm ranked in Tier 2 in Land Use & Zoning Law and Real Estate Litigation
Employee and funds to support renovation of Florence Crittenton of AZ Girls Ranch facilities
Certified Tax Specialist addresses industry workshop
Annual events brings Valley business leaders and nationally recognized influencers together
Endows the Daniel Cracchiolo Chair in Civil and Criminal Litigation
Real estate and equine law attorney has more than 30 years of experience
There are legal restrictions, requirements and repercussions when businesses mix advertising with gambling
Gambling is generally illegal in Arizona. However, some businesses and charities conduct sweepstakes, raffles and poker tournaments unlawfully because they’re unaware that those events are a form of gambling. When conducted in accordance with Arizona law, sweepstakes, raffles and poker tournaments c
Peer review survey honors leading attorneys across the nation
Personal Injury and Defense Litigator honored
As seen in The Arizona Republic, Sunday, July 26, 2015
Prestigious rating system honors seasoned law professionals
Estate Planning and Tax Controversy attorney is also CPA
New Policy Creates Enticement for Real Estate Investors
Bringing a Woman's Perspective to Business
Firm ranked in Tier 1 in Real Estate Land Use and Zoning in Arizona
Selected for Southwest Super Lawyers honor for Third Time
B&C personal injury and defense litigator named to prestigious list by Southwest Super Lawyers
Honorees include fifteen Super Lawyers and 4 Rising Stars
Join MCBA every Friday in April for 1.5 hours of CLE
Burch & Cracchiolo partners honored by business publication
B&C attorneys Susie Ingold and Sarah O’Keefe, and paralegal Debra Wedlake obtained a defense verdict in an employment case for our client, an Arizona based company, after it was sued by a former employee. Following a five-day jury trial, the jury found in favor of our client on the plaintiff’s claim of violation of the Family Medical Leave Act, or FMLA.
Firm Ranks #3 overall in firm with 21-50 attorneys and #2 in Government Relation practice area
Employees, friends and family to participate on February 28th at South Mountain Park
Experienced litigators elected as shareholders
The underlying principles of community property and sole and separate property can be readily be stated as “black and white” rules. However, there are many nuances and exceptions which have been judicially developed which have had the effect of complicating any analysis which seeks to ascertain the dividing line between community property and sole and separate property.
There is a large and lucrative market for financial restructuring services required by many of Arizona’s upper crust high profile CPA clients who have been struck with some form of financial malady as a result of the changes in the state and national financial climate since 2007. In order to capture their fair share of this market, CPAs practicing in Arizona need to engage in an education effort directed both at their clients and to the state’s legal community.
Real Estate Agency Guilty of Breach of Fiduciary Duties
Does a signed waiver protect you as an employer?
15th annual conference will inspire and educate
Thinking ahead to protect your business can reduce stress and save dollars
Hiring practice can avoid future problems
Careful review is time well-spent
Practice will focus on commercial litigation, labor & employment law and real estate law
Law firm provides employees and funds to support the renovation of Arizona Foundation for the Handicapped facilities
$1.5 million project to open in October 2015
Best Lawyers in America 2015 honors Andrew Abraham